My son has ADD and we're always looking for ways to support him. This oil has been so good for helping him and us, calm at the end of the day. Someone at your store recommended this oil specifically for our son, and we're happy we tried it. He's sensitive to smells so we weren't sure at first and we only use a small amount in his bedroom diffuser. It's now a nightly ritual and he helps put 2 drops in the difuser after school. I keep the bottle in my room as he'd pour the whole thing in if he could:) It's been such a positive addition to calming sensory overstimulation, we still have lots of challenges of course but this is something we'll keep using.
This blend is my soulful sister go-to! It works for so many occasions and always makes me feel at peace
I love this blend, I've bought it from you in the roll on and the essential oil versions. Super calming for my kids and I.
This one is our family favourite. Add it to the diffuser after dinner when we're just chilling. The whole lot of us love it!